Valve Series | Air operated valves Suck back valves Air operated valves with suck back Solenoid valve Check valve Drain valves | - Compact series line-up suitable for control of small chemical flows
now offers even more variety. - In addition to diverse piping specifications and valve functions,
the line-up offers a wide selection of options, such as automatic flow adjustment.
H Series Fittings | Straight type Elbow type T type Reducing type | - Simple construction eliminates the need for dedicated tools.
- Ease of operation during piping is boosted dramatically.
- Tapered seal type offers superior pressure resistance, sealing
ability, and heat resistance.
Tube Series | PFA tubes PFA-HG tubes PFA-NE tubes BT tubes RPL tubes | - The high-grade HG tube and NE tube that demonstrates
effectiveness against anti-static charges, have been added to the line-up.